Frequently Asked Questions
Use the portal to maintain your backflow devices and view the status of device tests.
How do I get started?
Before you begin, the CRD will need to create a profile for you in the portal.
Step 1: Please send an email to to request registration. In the email include:
- The property address
- Your first and last name
- Phone number
- The email address you will use to login
Step 2: CRD staff will notify you once your profile has been created. Follow the instruction in the email to register and create a password. You will need to reference your contact information and create a case-sensitive password of at least 8 characters or letters (no symbols).
Step 3: Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email. Please accept and follow the link to complete your registration. You will not be able to login if you don't complete this step.
How do I use the portal?
Please review the Facility Contacts or Device Testers instructions manual for step-by-step instructions on how to use the portal.
What are the system requirements?
To use the portal, please ensure your browser has JavaScript enabled and you have cleared your browser cache. The portal works best using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge
To check which browser and version you are using, please click on Help then About... to find out or visit If you need to contact us regarding this issue, we will need this information.
You may also want to make sure your version of Windows is completely up to date. To do that, please visit the Windows Update site: